Cortical ultrastructure of the scuticociliates D. media and D. colpidiopsis was investigated. Elements of the somatic cortex studied were the cell membrane, alveolar membranes and the epiplasm, kinetodesmal fibers, postciliary and transverse microtubular ribbons, and transverse fibers associated with single and paired kinetosomes; mitochondria and single microtubules located in interkinetal ridges; mature and early extrusion stages of mucocysts; the expulsion vacuole pore and tube, the nephridioplasm and the cytoproct. In the buccal cortex, the paroral kinety-ribbed wall complex, the 3 polykinetics, and the cytostome-cytopharynx were investigated. Comparative survey of ciliate ultrastructure indicates 2 principal orientation patterns for kinetodesmal and postciliary fibers, recognition of which leads to reevaluation of the theory of paroral kinety formation and the ideas of homology based on this theory. Ultrastructurally, the scuticociliates are not distinct from tetrahymenines and peniculines; the 3 groups appear to be 2 assemblage.