INTEREST in coloboma of the lower lid has greatly increased during the last decade, and many new cases have been reported by observers in various countries.1 One type, characterized by antimongoloid obliquity of the palpebral fissure and coloboma in the outer part of the lower lid, first described by Berry,2 and Treacher Collins,3 has been established by Franceschetti and his co-workers4 as a definite developmental syndrome presenting a scale of more or less complete forms. Some of these are unilateral and combined with deformities of the extremities. It seems, however, that no case has yet been reported in which unilateral coloboma of the inner third of the lower lid was associated with coloboma of the choroid, cleft of the upper lip, and ipsilateral congenital anomalies of the hand and forearm. REPORT OF A CASE J. M., a Negro girl aged 15, was referred for ocular examination.