Polarization of the Neutrons from theC12(d,n)N13Reaction at the 4-MeV Resonance and between 5.2 and 6.2 MeV

Angular distributions of the polarization of the neutrons from the C12(d,n)N13 reaction have been measured for the ground-state and first-excited-state transitions at six energies between 5.2 and 6.2 MeV. The characteristic shape of the polarization angular distribution for the ground-state neutrons that was previously observed to emerge at about 3.5 MeV persists in this energy region, indicating the predominance of a direct-reaction mechanism in producing the polarization. The measurements for the first-excited-state neutron group (lp=0 transfer) show polarizations with maximum values of +0.30 at the forward angles. The forward-angle data in the 4.6- to 5.8-MeV interval do not exhibit interference effects between compound-nucleus and direct-reaction processes. A careful investigation of the polarization on the isolated resonance at 4 MeV was also conducted. Interference effects between compound-nucleus formation and a direct-reaction mechanism are observable here even on the stripping peak. The resonance, however, does not appreciably distort the characteristic shape of the polarization arising from the direct-reaction process.