Histological Localization of Microelectrode Placement in Brain by Ferrocyanide and Silver Staining

After recordings had been taken from a microelectrode used for mapping nerve impulses, a current of 100 μa from the positive pole of a direct current generator was run through the electrode for 5 sec while it was still in place. On terminating the experiment, in which the use of several electrodes was possible, 50-75 ml of a 1:1 mixture of 4% potassium ferrocyanide and 4% acetic acid was injected into each common carotid artery, and the brain left in situ for 0.5 hr. It was then removed and the electrode-bearing part fixed 5–6 hr in a 1:1 mixture of 40% formalin and 95% ethyl alcohol at 55 °C. This specimen was washed in running water 5-10 min, the electrodes removed and frozen sections of 40-80 μ cut and placed in 95% alcohol. Sections were stained 5-10 min at 25-30°C in 10% silver nitrate solution in 75-80% alcohol acidified by 3-4 drops of glacial acetic acid per 50 ml, washed 4-5 sec in each of 2 baths of 95% alcohol, and reduced while being agitated constantly in a 2% solution of pyrogallol and 6-7% formalin in 75-80% alcohol. Washing in 95% alcohol, clearing in clove oil or methyl salicylate followed by xylene and mounting in synthetic resin or balsam completed the process. Sites of electrolysis at the tips of electrodes (under magnification) were blue before silver staining and black after staining. Axons stained brown to black on a yellow background.