Involvement of Different Receptors in the Central and Peripheral Effects of Histamine on Intestinal Motility in the Rat

— The effects of histamine on intestinal motility have been investigated in conscious rats, fed or fasted, using an electromyographic method. Histamine peripherally administered (10 mg kg−1) in 15 h fasted rats induced an inhibition followed by a period of irregular spiking activity disrupting the duodenojejunal migrating myoelectric complexes (MMC) and suppressed the postprandial motor spiking activity when administered 50 min after a meal. The selective agonist of the H1receptors, 2‐pyridylethylamine (2‐PEA) induced an irregular spiking activity while dimaprit acting on H2‐receptors, inhibited the MMC pattern. Effects of peripherally administered histamine were antagonized by previous administration of chlorpheniramine (0·5 mg kg−1 i.p.) and in a lesser extent by Cimetidine (10 mg kg−1 i.p.). Histamine (1–10 μg) administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) in fasted rats increased the motor cycle frequency and immediately restored the MMC pattern when given to fed rats. Among the three agonists of the H1‐H2‐ and H3‐receptors (2‐PEA, dimaprit and R‐α‐methylhistamine, respectively) only R‐α‐methylhistamine (1–10 μg i.c.v.) was able to reproduce this effect. It is concluded that the effects of histamine on intestinal motility were centrally and peripherally mediated involving mainly Hi‐receptors at the peripheral level and H3‐receptors at the CNS level.