To more precisely map the immortalization and p53 binding domains of T antigen, a large series of overlapping deletion mutations were created between codons 251 to 651 by utilizing a combination of Bal 31 deletion and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. Immortalization assay results indicated that amino acids (aa) 252 to 350, 400, and 451 to 532 could be removed without seriously compromising immortalization, although the appearance of immortal colonies was delayed in some cases. Western immunoblotting experiments indicated that the p53 binding capacities of T antigen produced by mutants missing aa 252 to 300, 301 to 350, 400, or 451 to 532 were only slightly reduced relative to that of wild-type T antigen. Within the limits of this deletion analysis, the immortalization and p53 binding domains appear to be colinear and, in fact, may represent two aspects of the same domain. This deletion analysis eliminates the entire zinc finger domain (aa 302 to 320), a small portion of the leucine-rich region (aa 345 to 350), and a large portion of the ATP binding domain (aa 451 to 528) as participants in p53 binding or in the immortalization process. The results also show that removal of T antigen amino acids within the region 451 to 532 appears to alter the capacity of newly synthesized but not older T antigen and p53 molecules to form complexes. Images