Renal Sequelae To Nephropathia Epidemica

Clinical data and renal biopsy findings were studied in 9 patients 4-5 yr after the acute phase of nephropathia epidemica. Slightly depressed tubular function was suggested, but glomerular function was normal. Light microscopy of renal biopsy specimens showed slight residual interstitial fibrosis and occasionally atrophic tubuli, tubular casts, increased number of hyalinized glomeruli and minor changes in other glomeruli. Two specimens showed fibrotic scars in the cortex. EM revealed degenerative changes in the glomeruli, arterioles and tubules. The immunohistochemical study showed no fixed immunoglobulins in the kidney. Practically complete and lasting clinical recovery follows the acute phase of nephropathia epidemica was found and the disease did not leave diagnostic structural changes in the kidneys.