ASP archiving solution of regional HUSpacs

The application service provider (ASP) model is not novel, but widely used in several non-health care-related business areas. In this article, ASP is described as a potential solution for long-term and back-up archiving of the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS). HUSpacs is a regional PACS for 21 HUS hospitals serving altogether 1.4 million citizens. The ultimate goal of this study was to define the specifications for the ASP archiving service and to compare different commercial options for archiving solutions (costs derived by unofficial requests for proposal): in-house PACS components, the regional ASP concept and the hospital-based ASP concept. In conclusion, the large scale of the HUS installation enables a cost-effective regional ASP archiving, resulting in a four to five times more economical solution than hospital-based ASP.

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