A High‐Dispersion Spectroscopic Survey of the Hot White Dwarfs: The IUE NEWSIPS SWP Echelle Data Set

This paper summarizes the results obtained from a comprehensive analysis of all of the SWP echelle spectra of the white dwarf stars contained in the IUE Final Archive. A total of 209 NEWSIPS spectra of 55 degenerate stars of various types have been systematically reduced and analyzed. These include, in addition to conventional white dwarfs, several examples of the hot planetary nebula central stars such as NGC 246, which represent the initial stages of He-rich degenerate evolution. A representative summary of the stellar, circumstellar, and interstellar features found to be present in these spectra is presented. For 33 of the 55 stars, multiple spectra of sufficient quality exist so that co-added spectra with improved signal-to-noise ratio can be constructed. Much previously unrecognized detail and many new features are evident in these data. In addition, it was found necessary to apply several corrections to the NEWSIPS extracted spectra. These corrections, involving the wavelength scale and flux uncertainty vector, are described.