Peripheral pseudoaneurysms: evaluation with duplex US.

The prospective generated results of 64 duplex sonographic examinations in 59 patients being evaluated for peripheral pseudoaneurysms over a 2-year period were reviewed. Subsequently, two groups of patients were identified. Group 1 (45 examinations) presented with relatively acute symptoms after arterial puncture, and group 2 (19 examinations) had undergone previous vascular surgical procedures and were usually asymptomatic, Duplex sonography demonstrated high sensitivity (94%) and specificity (97%) for the diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm in group 1. Of the 19 studies in group 2, duplex sonography allowed correct identification of pseudoaneurysms in four studies and exclusion of this entity in six examinations. The duplex sonographic findings in nine studies in this group did not allow differentiation of pseudoaneurysm from true aneurysm or oversize graft anastomosis. Duplex sonography is suggested as a primary radiologic method for evaluating possible pseudoaneurysms after arterial puncture, and it may provide valuable information and a means of postsurgical follow-up of selected patients as well.