Histologic results 1 year after bioprosthetic repair of paraesophageal hernia in a canine model

The use of prosthetic materials for the repair of paraesophageal hiatal hernia (PEH) may lead to esophageal stricture and perforation. High recurrence rates after primary repair have led surgeons to explore other options, including various bioprostheses. However, the long-term effects of these newer materials when placed at the esophageal hiatus are unknown. This study assessed the anatomic and histologic characteristics 1 year after PEH repair using a U-shaped configuration of commercially available small intestinal submucosa (SIS) mesh in a canine model. Six dogs underwent laparoscopic PEH repair with SIS mesh 4 weeks after thoracoscopic creation of PEH. When the six dogs were sacrificed 12 months later, endoscopy and barium x-ray were performed, and biopsies of the esophagus and crura were obtained. The mean weight of the dogs 1 year after surgery was identical to their entry weight. No dog had gross dysphagia, evidence of esophageal stricture, or reherniation. At sacrifice, the biomaterial was not identifiable grossly. Biopsies of the hiatal region showed fibrosis as well as muscle fiber proliferation and regeneration. No dog had erosion of the mesh into the esophagus. This reproducible canine model of PEH formation and repair did not result in erosion of SIS mesh into the esophagus or in stricture formation. Native muscle ingrowth was noted 1 year after placement of the biomaterial. According to the findings, SIS may provide a scaffold for ingrowth of crural muscle and a durable repair of PEH over the long term.