Expression of Genetic Markers of Erythrocyte Immunoglobulin G Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

The Gm allotype constitution of the autoantibody molecules and the serum Gm phenotypes were determined in 19 patients with autiommune hemolytic anemia of IgG type. The results showed that the known heterogeneity of the antierythrocyte autoantibodies in this disease concerns not only the immunoglobulin class and the isotypic subclass, but also the genetic markers of these molecules. Evidence was obtained that the anomalous production of antierythrocyte autoantibodies is polyclonal, that thse autoantibodies belong mainly to the IgG1 isotypic subclass, and that they have a preference for the Gm(1) allotype. In addition, certain of the findings point to a preferential expression of the Gm(1,21) haplotype.