The molecular biology of the low-temperature response in plants

Plants growing in temperate regions are able to survive freezing temperatures from −5° to −30°C, depending on the species, through a process known as cold acclimation. In the last decade much work has been done on the molecular mechanisms of low temperature (LT) signal transduction and cold acclimation. Mutant studies and microarray analyses have revealed C‐Repeat binding factor (CBF) ‐dependent and ‐independent signaling pathways in plants. Experimental evidence suggests the existence of ‘potential LT sensors’ but as yet there is no direct proof. A number of signal transducers such as various kinases/phosphatases have been demonstrated but the signal transduction pathways have not been elucidated. An understanding of the molecular basis of the signaling process, however, is of potential practical application. Designing new strategies to improve cold tolerance in crop varieties could increase the plant productivity and also expand the area under cultivation. BioEssays 27:1048–1059, 2005.