Development of contrast sensitivity and acuity of the infant colour system

We have monitored the development of infant colour vision by measuring chromatic contrast sensitivity and acuity in eight young infants over a period of 6 months. Steady-state visual evoked potentials (VEPS) were recorded in response to both chromatic (red--green) and luminance (red--black or green--black) patterns that were reversed in contrast over time. For most infants, no response could be obtained to chromatic stimuli of any size or contrast before 5 weeks of age, although luminance stimuli of 20% contrast gave reliable responses at that age. When responses to chromatic stimuli first appeared, they could be obtained only with stimuli of very low spatial frequency, 20 times lower than the acuity for luminance stimuli. Both contrast sensitivity and acuity for chromatic stimuli increased steadily, more rapidly than for luminance stimuli. As the spectral selectivities of infant cones are similar to those of adults, the difference in rate of development of luminance and chromatic contrast sensitivity and acuity stimuli probably reflects neural development of the infant colour system.