Conserved Domains of Subtype C Nef from South African HIV Type 1-Infected Individuals Include Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitope-Rich Regions

We have characterized 43 nef sequences from subtype C HIV-1-infected South Africans and compared deduced amino acid sequences with other subtypes to identify areas of conservation. Our Nef amino acid sequences were aligned with a consensus subtype B, HXB2 reference strain and a consensus subtype C sequence. All were found to be highly homologous to subtype B in the central region of Nef, but more variable at the N and C termini of the molecule. Alignment of a consensus amino acid sequence generated from South African subtype C Nef with subtypes A, B, and D underscores cross-clade conservation in the central domain of the molecule. This domain is also rich in previously described cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes that are restricted by commonly found HLA molecules in the South African population.