Influence of major histocompatibility genes on serum hemolytic complement activity in miniature swine

SUMMARY: Total serum hemolytic complement (CH50) activity was determined for 3 semi-inbred strains of miniature swine (SLAa, SLAc, and SLAd) and 1 recombinant strain SLAg (ABCcDd), each homozygous for a distinct major histocompatibility complex haplotype. Initial determination was made at 8 weeks of age, prior to standardized immunization, the second at age 12 weeks, after immunization. Analysis of variance was by least-squares method, using a linear model on data from 33 litters by 14 sires and 16 dams. Analysis of variance indicated that the combined effects of haplotype, sire, dam, litter, and gender accounted for 47.63% of the total variation in preimmunization CH50 values. Dam (P ≤ 0.06) and litter (P ≤ 0.03) significantly influenced preimmunization complement activity. Although swine leukocyte antigen (sla) haplotype was not significant in the model, least-squares mean comparisons between haplotypes suggested that ac, dg, and gg pigs tended to have comparatively low preimmunization CH50 values. The model did not account for significant variability in postimmunization CH50 values, but least-squares means indicated that dd, dg, and gg haplotypes tended to have lower values than did other haplotypes tested. Mean CH50 units for 8- and 12-week-old pigs were 41.32 ± 20.49 and 59.50 ± 54.35, respectively. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in CH50 activity between 8- and 12-week-old pigs associated with immunization, because CH50 of nonimmunized controls did not differ at 8 and 12 weeks.