Hemangiomas are generally regarded as benign tumors of the blood vessels. Passing reference to a rare form exhibiting malignancy clinically and giving rise to distant metastases is made in most of the standard works on tumors. Isolated cases of this sort have appeared from time to time.1 Wright2 in 1928 reported an additional case and reviewed the literature. In the recorded cases the breast, liver, lungs and pleura, intestines, spleen, kidney, heart, adrenal glands and subcutaneous tissues have been involved. Because of the unusual clinical form as well as the rapid recurrence of the tumor and metastasis in spite of intensive irradiation, the following case seems worthy of being placed on record. REPORT OF A CASE An 82 year old white man was admitted to the Johns Hopkins Hospital on March 29, 1936. He had had a small lump in the hypothenar region of his right hand for