Present a short historic overview of the trabeculotomy procedure in adults, together with our technique using the new Fukasaku modification of the instrumentation (probes and forceps) and report 50 consecutive cases with a 100% three-month follow-up. The mean preoperative intraocular pressure was 19.3 mm Hg (range 16.0 to 37.0 mm Hg); three months after surgery it was 14.2 mm Hg (range 6.0 to 24.0 mm Hg). The mean preoperative pressure-reducing medications were 2.3 drugs per patient, and the postoperative mean was 0.7. Except for three cases of small postoperative hyphemas, no other complications were encountered during the study. aReprint requests to H. V. Gimbel, M.D., FR.CS.(C), Suite 450, 4935 40 Avenue NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3A 2N1. © Williams & Wilkins 1993. All Rights Reserved....