The nuclei of pleochroic haloes

Nuclei of pleochroic haloes in biotite from New Zealand granites are monazite, xenotime, occasionally apatite, but never zircon. Optical data for monazite, alpha 1.787, gamma 1.839, 12V 2-14 degrees , are comparable to that for monazite in nearby sands containing U 3 O 8 1.23 percent and ThO 2 2.32 percent. It is uncertain whether the apatite radioactivity is due to U or Th replacing Ca in the crystal lattice or to radioactive mineral inclusions. U and Th in the lattice of monazite and xenotime appears to result from similarity in size of the Y, Th, and U ions; the smaller size of the Zr ion allows limited substitution.

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