In a previous communication, one of us1 presented a direct method for demonstrating the absorption of undigested protein in human beings. The technic employed was described in detail. The following routine was adopted for studying the absorption of unaltered fish protein: The subject to be studied was kept on a fish-free diet for twenty-four hours and was then passively and locally sensitized to fish by the intradermal injection on the arm of 0.05 cc. of a suitable serum. This had been obtained from two patients sensitive to fish, "G" and "M," whose histories were presented. On the following morning, the subject was fed about 50 Gm., or one third, of a raw herring, on an empty stomach. Within from a few minutes to two hours, a reaction consisting of pruritus, erythema and a wheal usually developed at the sensitized site. It was proved that this reaction could only be effected