Autoradiograms of in vitro exchanged P32, Ca45 and S35 in teeth, bones and other tissues, were obtained. Exchange behavior of young bones and teeth in vitro are comparable to the early autoradiographic patterns after injns. of P32 or Ca45 in vim. Young normal tissues exchange at a greater rate than older tissues. Areas of new growth in bone tumor and around a bone graft exchange more than normal bone. Recent calcified lesions of hyaline cartilage and muscular arteries exchange at a higher rate than older lesions. In adult human teeth, cementum exchanges more than dentine; dentine exchanges more than enamel. In the enamel of certain adult teeth, cap-like regions proximal to the dentino-enamel junction exchange heavily but show no difference in radiopacity. Following hyaluronidase incubation, there is a progressive increase in exchange over dentine. The process of dentinal caries is accompanied by progressively increased exchange in the dentine of the diseased tooth. P32, Ca45 and S35 exchange at a great rate in the vicinity of carious lesions.