New Fine Structure in Neutral Oxygen

Untabulated fine structure in O I has been resolved in the triplet multiplets λ8446(3sS133pP2103), λ2884(3pP2133dP23), and λ4368(3sS134pP2103). Interferometer patterns of these lines were analyzed to obtain splittings and relative intensities. Listed as a doublet, λ8446 has three components whose relative intensities allowed establishment of the 3pP2103 anomalous splitting as follows: J=1 lies 0.559(±0.003) cm1 below J=2, and J=0 lies 0.158(±0.002) cm1 above J=2, in agreement with Edlén. λ2884, heretofore found single, has two components, separated by 0.558(±0.002) cm1. Two components of λ4368, previously considered single, were resolved and found to have a separation of 0.300(±0.001) cm1, the weaker component having the shorter wavelength. From the relative intensities it is deduced that J=0 lies above the degenerate J=2, 1 level of the state 4pP2103, which, like 3pP2103, is perturbed by an unobserved state in the displaced (D2) system.

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