Strain rate dependence of failure processes in polycarbonate and nylon

A study has been made of two types of failure, namely, monotonic fractures using Charpy‐type specimens and fatigue crack propagation using rectangular plates containing an initial central notch. The work was conducted on an amorphous polymer (polycarbonate) and a semicrystalline polymer (nylon N 6.6). Monotonic tests were performed in an Instron testing machine between 0.002 and 20 in./min, and in a Charpy testing machine between 2000 and 11800 in./min. The cyclic tests (under constantKconditions) were carried out at frequencies that ranged from 0.1 to 20 Hz. A model for the relationship between the cyclic rate of crack growth and appropriate LEFM parameters, previously described, has now been converted into cyclic strain energy transformations. In computing the strain energy, the value of the time‐dependent modulus of the material was used; and under cyclic loading conditions the glassy (short time) value was employed. The authors have proposed that the modulus measurements obtained at very low temperatures, where the viscous response of the material is highly restricted, will approximate the glassy value,Eg, found by conducting relaxation measurement tests at different temperatures down to −197°C. Within the range of tests conducted, the fracture toughness values of both PC and N 6.6 apparently decrease with increase in loading rate. Fatigue crack growth in both materials is influenced by loading frequency and cyclic waveform. These variations may be related to the magnitude of the viscous energy loss and hence to the available energy for crack extension per cycle.