Electromigration and self-diffusion in ionic melts

An experimental technique is described for glass-fibre-paper electrophoresis and diffusion experiments with radio-active tracers in fused salts. It has been found that for the system NaNO3+KNO3 the ionic mobility of NO 3 is independent of composition, while the ionic mobilities of Na+ and K+ decrease when going from NaNO3 to KNO3 in such a way that in NaNO3, Na+ is moving faster than K+, and in KNO3 K+ is the faster moving ion. The diffusion coefficients of Na+ and of K+ also decrease from NaNO3 to KNO3, but the former always remains larger than the latter one. Cationic and anionic transport numbers tend to become equal if the temperature is raised. There is no linear dependence of the logarithm of the ionic mobilities and the diffusion coefficients as a function of the reciprocal absolute temperature. The Nernst-Einstein parameter is always less than unity.

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