Contributions of excitation autoionization to electron-impact ionization of Mg-likeAl+,S4+,Cl5+, andAr6+ions

The R-matrix method is used to calculate the contributions of excitation autoionization to electron-impact ionization in Mg-like Al+, S4+, Cl5+, and Ar6+ ions. The ground 3s2 1S state together with the autoionizing states arising from the 2p53s23p, 2p53s23d, 2p53s24s, 2s2p63s23p, 2s2p63s23d, and 2s2p63s24s configurations are included in the R-matrix expansion. Large numbers of bound terms of appropriate symmetry are included in the expansion to account for the resonant-excitationdouble-autoionization process. The total ionization cross sections are obtained by combining the cross sections for inner-shell excitation with direct-ionization cross sections. Our calculation shows an abrupt and significant rise in the cross sections, in agreement with recent crossed-beam measurements of Howald et al. The importance of indirect processes over the direct process increases with increasing ionic charge along the sequence.