The food-unlimited growth rate of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Results from laboratory experiments showed that food-unlimited growth rate (G) of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) declined linearly with fish weight (W) on a log–log scale at six different temperatures: 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16°C. The intercept (αi) and slope (βi) of these regressions increased linearly with temperature (T), implying that G = αi W βi, where αi = γ1 + δ1T and βi = γ2 + δ2T. Nonlinear fit of the four-parameter model showed that γ1 was not significantly different from 0, and thus the following three-parameter model is suggested for the food-unlimited growth rate of cod ranging in size from 2 to 5000 g at any temperature from 2 to 16°C: G = (0.5735T)W(–0.1934–0.02001T). The results indicate that temperature in this size range has a much greater effect on the growth rate of small juvenile cod than on that of larger cod. The model predicts that the optimal temperature for growth of cod decreases with increased size of fish, from 14.3°C for 50-g fish to 5.9°C for 5000-g fish. Growth curves were derived for cod at constant and seasonally variable temperatures. Weight-at-age was calculated for different temperatures.