Evaluation of BAT for VOCs in Drinking Water

Both granular activated carbon (GAC) and packed tower aeration (PTA) are designated as best‐available treatment technology in the volatile‐organic‐chemicals (VOC) regulations. The constant‐pattern‐homogeneous‐surface‐diffusion model (CPHSDM) is used to predict liquid‐phase GAC use rates for selected single‐solute VOCs. Preliminary cost estimates for liquid‐phase GAC treatment systems are developed for a range of plant sizes, empty bed contact times (EBCTs), and carbon bed lives. A cost and performance model is developed to examine various scenarios for controlling VOCs by packed tower aeration, including off‐gas treatment. A comparison is made between liquid‐phase GAC and PTA treatment alternatives. This analysis exposes the sensitivity of GAC and PTA costs to variations in design and operating parameters.