Change in HIV‐antibody seroprevalence rates in i.v. drug dependent prisoners

In 1985 a high HIV‐seroprevalence (44.2%) was found in a cohort of parenteral drug addicted prisoners in Innsbruck, Austria. In a longitudinal study from March 1985 to March 1989 we investigated the epidemiology of HIV‐infection as well as possible changes in the drug taking behaviour of this defined population at risk. During the study HIV‐seroprevalence rates in drug dependent prisoners showed a statistical decrease to 30%. A concomitant increase in admission to any kind of therapy programmes as well as an increasing change from ‘heavy use’ (mainly taking heroin i.v.) to ‘non‐heavy use’ (mainly taking drugs orally) could be noted. The influence of preventive measures, such as comprehensive AIDS‐information, special therapy programmes including the methadone substitution programme, and the unrestricted availability of needles and syringes is discussed.