Sewall Wright's genotypic fitness landscape makes explicit one mechanism by which epistasis for fitness can constrain evolution by natural selection. Wright distinguished between landscapes possessing multiple fitness peaks and those with only a single peak and emphasized that the former class imposes substantially greater constraint on natural selection. Here I present novel formalism that more finely partitions the universe of possible fitness landscapes on the basis of the rank ordering of their genotypic fitness values. In this report I focus on fitness landscapes lacking sign epistasis (i.e., landscapes that lack mutations the sign of whose fitness effect varies epistatically), which constitute a subset of Wright's single peaked landscapes. More than one fitness rank ordering lacking sign epistasis exists for L > 2 (where L is the number of interacting loci), and I find that a highly statistically significant effect exists between landscape membership in fitness rank-ordering partition and two different proxies for genetic constraint, even within this subset of landscapes. This statistical association is robust to population size, permitting general inferences about some of the characteristics of fitness rank orderings responsible for genetic constraint on natural selection.