Prediction for Nonabelian Fine Structure Constants from Multicriticality

In developing a model for predicting the nonabelian gauge coupling constants we argue for the phenomenological validity of a ``principle of multiple point criticality''. This is supplemented with the assumption of an ``(grand) anti-unified'' gauge group $SMG^{N_{gen.}}\sim U(1)^{N_{gen.}}\times SU(2)^{N_{gen.}}\times SU(3)^{N_{gen.}}$ that, at the Planck scale, breaks down to the diagonal subgroup. Here $N_{gen}$ is the number of generations which is assumed to be 3. According to this ``multiple point criticality principle'', the Planck scale experimental couplings correspond to multiple point couplings of the bulk phase transition of a lattice gauge theory (with gauge group $SMG^{N_{gen.}}$). Predictions from this principle agree with running nonabelian couplings (after an extrapolation to the Planck scale using the assumption of a ``desert'') to an accuracy of 7\%. As an explanation for the existence of the multiple point, a speculative model using a glassy lattice gauge theory is presented.

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