Light and electron microscopic localization of ATPase in normal and degenerating testes of syrian hamsters

The distribution of Mg++-activated ATPase was determined with light and electron microscopy in normal and degenerating seminiferous tubules. In the normal animals ATPase was localized in the interface between spermatids and Sertoli cells, in association with the cytoplasmic filaments contained within Sertoli cell processes, and in the lymphatic endothelium. ATPase activity increased in degenerating tubules as observed by light microscopy. Electron microscopic investigations of the degenerating tubules which contained only spermatogonia and Sertoli cells revealed reaction product on the outer surface of the Sertoli cell processes and within the interface between adjacent Sertoli cells. Reaction product was also observed in the Sertoli cell processes between the cytoplasmic filaments and the cell membrane. Where filaments were absent in Sertoli cell processes, no reaction product was observed. These electron microscopic studies indicate that the increase in ATPase activity in testicular degeneration is probably a relative increase due to a loss of the germinal elements of the tubular epithelium and subsequent apposition of the Sertoli cell processes. We speculate that the ATPase activity localized within the Sertoli cell processes may be involved in providing an energy source for filament motility.