Anti-idiotypic antibodies against Puumala virus glycoprotein-specific monoclonal antibodies inhibit virus infection in cell cultures

Rabbit anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-ids) were generated against three bank vole and one human monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for the two envelope glycoproteins of Puumala virus (G 1 and G 2). The anti-ids were purified by sequential immunoaffinity chromatography. Each anti-id inhibited the antigen binding of its respective MAb in a competitive ELISA. This inhibition, and the absence of cross-reactivity among the anti-ids for heterologous MAbs, showed that they all were specific for unique determinants on the antigen binding site of the homologous MAb. The anti-ids reacted with non-infected Vero E 6 cells when examined by immunofluorescence and ELISA, indicating the presence of antibodies that mimic epitopes on the virus. Preincubation of Vero E 6 cells with two of the anti-ids produced against neutralizing MAbs inhibited Puumala virus infection, suggesting that these two anti-ids blocked a cellular component involved in virus infection.