Gamma-ray spectra from capture of 2-eV to 3-keV neutrons byTa181

The spectra of γ rays from the capture of neutrons by Ta181 were measured at the Livermore 100-MeV linac for neutrons from 2 eV to 3 keV with a Ge(Li)-NaI three-crystal spectrometer. Neutron resonances were resolved to 200-eV neutron energy. Individual primary γ-ray transitions to final states in Ta182 were resolved to 1778-keV excitation energy. These transitions were used to place 110 states with spin and parity assignments in the Ta182 level diagram. A set of 1240 E1 transition strengths was extracted from 19 neutron resonances of known spin and parity. The most likely χ2 fit to the distribution of these widths yielded 1.38 ± 0.11 degrees of freedom. The E1 transition strengths were also examined for correlations with the reduced neutron widths of the initial and final states. The E1 strength function was extracted for Eγ=4.3 to 6.1 MeV and compared with previous results.