Agrosuppression: A Bioassay for the Hypersensitive Response Suited to High-Throughput Screening

We describe a novel method, agrosuppression, that addresses the need for an assay of the hypersensitive response (HR) in intact plants that is rapid and adapted to high-throughput functional screening of plant and pathogen genes. The agrosuppression assay is based on inoculation of intact plants with a mixture of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carrying (i) a binary plasmid with one or more candidate HR-inducing genes and (ii) a tumor-inducing (oncogenic) T-DNA. In the absence of HR induction, tumor formation is initiated, resulting in a typical crown gall phenotype. However, upon induction of the HR, tumor formation by the oncogenic T-DNA is suppressed, resulting in a phenotype that can be readily scored. We tested and optimized agrosuppression in Nicotiana benthamiana using the inf1 elicitin gene from the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which specifically induces the HR in Nicotiana spp., and the gene-for-gene pair Avr9/Cf-9 from the fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum and Lycopersicon pimpi...