We present some general considerations on computations of electric dipole moments (D) of leptons and of hadrons in gauge theories which incorporate CP violation. Technical aspects of the isolation of the CP-violating parts of the corresponding graphs are described. We emphasize the distinction (already familiar from g2 constraints) between "mixed chirality" and "pure chirality" couplings. In the mixed-chirality case, D's can potentially appear to third order in the semiweak-coupling constant; in the pure-chirality case D is at least of fifth order. Estimates are given for prototypes of two classes of gauge models: (1) CP violation is implemented via the introduction of a small parameter. For the example considered, a model due to Mohapatra, Dnucleon and Dlepton are both of fifth order. (2) The violation is "maximal," as exemplified in the O(4) and O(4)×U(1) models. Here Dmuon appears to third order in the (mixed-chirality) O(4) case. All other D's in the "maximal" examples are of fifth order. For the "maximal" model our estimates are below but may not be very far from the present experimental bounds. For the small-parameter model they are quite considerably smaller.

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