Callus Induction by (2‐Chloroethyl) Phosphonic Acid on Cultured Cotton Ovules

The response of cultured cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ovules to the ethylene releasing growth regulator, (2‐chloroethyl) phosphonic acid (ethephon), was measured. Control ovules grown on a complete liquid medium without hormones continued the differentiation normal for cotton, although at a slower rate than in vivo. When ethephon was added to the medium, normal organ and fiber development was inhibited but callus was induced from the micropylar end of the ovule. The callus was extremely friable and produced many free cells in the culture medium. Dry weight of the callused ovules increased over 4‐fold and total cell number increased 56% over the controls. Apparently ethylene released from the ethephon stimulated both cell division and cell expansion in forming the callus.