High prevalence of adenomatous polyps of the duodenal papilla in familial adenomatous polyposis

Eighteen consecutive asymptomatic patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (both familial polyposis coli and Gardner's syndrome) were studied over a 12-month period; side-viewing upper endoscopy and biopsy were used to assess the frequency of adenomatous polyps of the duodenal papilla. Nine of the 18 patients demonstrated adenomatous polyps of the papilla, varying in size and appearance from microadenomas in normalappearing duodenal papillae (two) to a sessile polyp 3 cm in diameter. Two were tubulovillous adenomas (0.5 cm and 2 cm in diameter) and the remainder were tubular adenomas. Severe atypia and malignancy were not encountered. These findings reveal that adenomas of the duodenal papilla are common in individuals with familial adenomatous polyposis. Because of these findings and because of the known risk of periampullary adenocarcinomas and nonmalignant complications of polyps of the duodenal papilla in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis, upper gastrointestinal screening of such patients should include examination of the duodenal papilla with a side-viewing endoscope.