Atypical Coeliac Disease Found with Serologic Screening

Eighteen patiens with coeliac disease were found by screening for reticulin antibodies of unselected sera at the time when determination of various tissue antibodies was requested. Joint disease, allergic and pulmonary disorders, and diabetes were particularly observed. IgA class reticulin antibody, in particular, proved to be specific for coeliac disease. Most patients with coeliac disease also had positive serum gliadin antibodies. Abdominal symptoms and signs of malabsorption were slight and infrequent. In most patients a gluten-free diet resulted in the improvement of jenunal mucosal histology, and serum reticulum and gliadin antibody titres decreased simultaneously, reflecting the appropriateness of the diet. Coeliac disease often has mild and atypical symptoms, and, particularly in certain disease groups, screening with reticulin antibody test seems to be appropriate.