Any swelling near the ear is best considered a parotid neoplasm until proved otherwise. The diagnosis is primarily based on the clinical examination. Imaging studies are best reserved for patients who present with palate or tonsil swellings, which must be distinguished from parapharyngeal or minor salivary gland tumors. Almost all benign, and most malignant parotid tumors can be resected with preservation of the facial nerve. Aspiration biopsy can add useful information, but is not essential for treatment planning as the extent of the surgical procedure is primarily determined by the extent of the tumor. Survival rates in patients with malignant tumors are most significantly influenced by tumor stage. Results seem to have improved in recent years, possibly because we are treating a larger proportion with favorable lesions. Another factor may relate to the enhancement of locoregional control now achieved with postoperative radiotherapy, particularly in patients with Stage III or IV tumors.

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