Strong-coupling expansions of the quantum-Hamiltonian form of the Ising, O(2), O(3), and O(4) models in two dimensions are analyzed. The critical point, correlation-length exponent ν, and magnetization index β are found exactly for the Ising model. The susceptibility index γ and the specific-heat index α are computed to within 1% of their known values. The phase transition of the O(2) model is found and the correlation length is predicted to diverge with an essential singularity ξ(T)exp[b(TTc)σ] where σ=0.7±0.1. The index of the spin-spin correlation function η is predicted to be 0.26±0.03 at the critical point in agreement with experiment. The non-Abelian spin systems are argued to exist only in a disordered phase. The asymptotic freedom of these models plays an important role in these arguments by ruling out the possibility of weak-coupling phase transitions.