Fine structural observations on the epidermis

In species of Apium, Eryngium and Humulus, the cuticular membrane of the petiole could be resolved into two parts, of which the inner one appeared amorphous and after staining appeared to be penetrated by an electron-dense reticulum, whereas the outer layer showed a lamellate structure consisting of electron-dense and electron-transparent plates, 50–80 Å in thickness. These layers are considered to correspond with the cuticular layer and the cuticle proper, respectively. In species of Abutilon and Rumex the cuticle proper did not exhibit the lamellate structure. In the leaves of Eryngium the outer lamellated structure was present in the cuticle of both young and mature leaves. Both the lamellate and non-lamellate types of the cuticle proper increased in thickness with age of the specimen. The results are discussed in relation to earlier investigations.