Environmental factors affecting physiognomic and floristic variation in an area of cerrado in central Brazil

Cerrado is a species-rich savanna-like vegetation that covers a large area in central Brazil. Soil, and particularly soil fertility, is considered to be the major factor determining the wide and diverse physiognomic-floristic gradients encountered within cerrado vegetation. To describe the vegetational variations within a cerrado in southern Mato Grosso state (15° 21'S, 55° 49'W), a 1 ha transect was located to pass through an interfluvial cerrado and climb a steep talus slope. The vegetational and environmental variations are described by means of field classification, direct gradient analysis and reciprocal averaging ordination. The effects of differences in ground water regime in the interfluvial cerrado and differences in inclination with associated rockiness in the talus cerrado are related to the vegetational variations. As the soils are very similar in texture and in the majority of chemical properties, the role of the above environmental factors was more easily distinguished. In the interfluvial cerrado, the vegetation variations are probably related to the seasonal fluctuation in water table level.