Galactogen (3% solution) was hydrolyzed for 12 hours at 100 C with 0.1 NH2SO4. The hydrolysis products were separated by repeated paper chromatography using butanol-acetic acid-water (4:1:5) as the solvent. About 5 g of galactogen were treated in this manner, and 50 sheets of paper were used for the initial separation. Two major fractions were isolated and examined for optical rotation, reducing power, further hydrolysis, fermentability and osazone formation. Both fractions were found to contain disaccharides containing D-galactose linked in [beta]-linkage; one was shown to be identical with 6 [beta]-D-galactosido-D-galactose, so that the other was very probably the corresponding 3 [beta]-D-galactosido-D-galactose. The 2 compounds were hydrolyzed at the same rate by 0.1 N HCl. The fraction of which (1) was the major constituent contained a small amount of 6 [alpha]-L-galactosido-D-galactose; L-galactose was detected after fermentation of the hydrolysis products of this disaccharide with brewer''s bottom yeast.

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