Part I. The Affinities Of Anthracoptera The first mention of these shells is by Sowerby in Prestwich's memoir on the geology of Coalbrookdale, where four species are figured—one as Modiola , a second as Mytilus , and the other two as Avicula . These were hesitatingly referred to Myalina or Avicula by Salter, in ‘Iron Ores of South Wales,‘ Mem. Geol. Surv. 1861, where in a footnote (p. 230) he hazards the conjecture that they may belong to Anthracomya , a genus then described for the first time to contain shells previously referred to Unio . In 1862, in the memoir on the ‘Geology of the Country round Wigan,’ he proposed the name Anthracoptera for certain shells previously described and figured as Avicula, Modiola , and Myalina ; he there detailed the specific characters and gave a diagrammatic woodcut of the genus. In the Supplementary Chapter to ‘Acadian Geology,’ 1860, Sir J. W. Dawson proposed the name Naiadites to include all Coal Measure shells; he then figured no shell referable to this genus, although Salter, in his paper ‘On some fossil Crustacea from the Coal-measures of British North America,’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xix. (1863) p. 79, figured a shell, Anthracoptera carbonaria , evidently correctly, but erroneously identified it with Dawson's figure (fig. 42, p. 204), which really represents an Anthracomya . Subsequently, in the 2nd edition, in 1868, Sir J. W. Dawson showed that he believed Naiadites carbonaria to be synonymous with Anthracoptera carbonaria , Salter, and Naiadites lœvis with Anthracoptera lœvis , the figures given resembling Anthracomya rather

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