Sensitivity of the Amylase-Creatinine Clearance Ratio in Acute Pancreatitis

An elevated amylase-creatinine clearance ratio has been established as being highly specific for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. In the present study, the sensitivity of this test was compared to that of the serum amylase and the one-hour urinary amylase test in 29 patients with acute pancreatitis. Abnormal elevations of the amylase-creatinine clearance ratio were found less frequently than abnormal elevations of the serum and one-hour urinary amylases. Moreover, abnormal elevations of the amylase-creatinine clearance ratio showed less deviation from normal and values returned to normal sooner than those of the serum and one-hour urinary amylases. When compared to the serum amylase and the one-hour urinary amylase tests, the amylase-creatinine clearance ratio is a relatively insensitive test in patients with acute pancreatitis. (Arch Intern Med138:958-962, 1978)