Effect of Deformation-Induced Crystal Imperfections on Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Nickel Single Crystals

The first magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of plastically deformed nickel single crystals was studied as a function of deformation. Contributions of specific types of imperfection, viz., interstitials, vacancies, and disclocations on the ``effective magnetic anisotropy constant'' K1′ were analyzed from the recovery characteristics of K1′. The dislocation structure of the deformed crystals was investigated by transmission electron microscopy at various stages of recovery. The absolute value of K1′ increased with deformation. The maximum change occurred at a strain ε≈0.17 with an increase of about 6.5% from the undeformed value of K1 = −5.52×104±0.02×104 erg/cc measured at 21.5°C and at a magnetic field of 8 kOe. Point defects were not found to have a measurable effect on the recovery of K1′. Deformation‐induced dislocations were mainly responsible for the observed change. The recovery of K1′ was interpreted in terms of rearrangement and annihilation of disclocations.