A model to determine required pool size for HLA‐typed community donor apheresis programs

Community donor plateletpheresis programs must have adequate numbers of HLA-typed donors to support the transfusion needs of alloimmunized patients, and donor pool size calculations should reflect the fact that each patient needs more than one donor to provide his or her support. The average number of donors needed to provide a patient''s support was estimated as a function of donor usage and commitment. A model was developed for determining an appropriate size of the donor pool for a community donor plateletpheresis program that would incorporate the avarge number of donors needed per patient, the level of HLA compatibility to be maintained between patient and donor, and the frequencies of patient and donor HLA phenotypes. A database of 4338 plateletpheresis transfusions given to 591 patients from a pool of up to 870 community donors over a 3-year period was analyzed retrospectively to validate the estimates of the average number of donors needed to support a patient, which ranged from 4 to 33 donors. This database was also used to illustrate the application of the pool size determination model. Model results suggest that plateletpheresis donor pools of 1000 to 3000 donors are capable of meeting the transfusion needs of most patients at an HLA-match grade of B2 or better.