There are approximately 650 scolopidial units in Johnston's organ of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta. These sensory units exhibit greater complexity than noted previously (Gray, '60; Howse, '65; Uga and Kuwabara, '65; Moeck, '68; Ong, '69; Schmidt, '69). Each scolopale is innervated by a bipolar neuron whose dendrite terminals are modified into three ciliary structures. The largest of these differentiates near the tip into a multitubular structure. The remaining two cilia are structurally similar along the entire length of the scolopale shaft. From each of their bases, a collagen-like structure differentiates into numerous microtubules which extend proximally into individual channels of dendritic cytoplasm. A third channel, with a less developed root apparatus, was apparent for the largest cilium. Preliminary evidence suggests a proprioceptive function for this structure rather than an auditory one.