Bioassay Procedure of the Sex Stimulant of the American Cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.) (Orthoptera : Blattidae)

The effect of the duration of isolation from females and of the conditioning period of the container on male response to the sex stimulant was examined. Males which had been isolated from females for more than 1 month were highly responsive even if the container was new. On the contrary, males which were not isolated from females did not respond even though the container was wholly contaminated with the excreta and secretions from males.The number of males responding to the same doses of the stimulant varied evey day, even if the assay were conducted under the same conditions. However, when assays were repeated several times, each number weas distributed near the mean number with 95% fiducial limits.Therefore, the assay should be repeated when it is needed to evaluate its intensity accurately.When stimulants of two different concentrations were assayed, the intensity within the same concentration varied every day. Nevertheless, a significant difference between the samples of different concentrations was observed. Hence, it is always necessary to discuss the intensity of the stimulant in comparison with the standard sample.Temperature below 25°C reduced the response of males remarkably.