According to laser theory the lineshape of a laser broadened by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck phase fluctuations is non-Lorentzian. The equations describing the interaction of such a laser with atomic systems are cast into a form which has the same structure as the density-matrix equations in the absence of fluctuations but with modified detunings, damping parameters and interaction matrix elements. By these means the authors derive substitution rules for taking into account the effect of these non-Lorentzian lineshapes which generalize those already known for Lorentzian lineshapes arising from Wiener-Levy fluctuations. The theory is applied to two-photon ionisation and analytic expressions are obtained for the rate of this process. For the extended two-level model the authors' results agree with those of Yeh and Eberly (1981) in the appropriate limit, but they also consider a more general model which leads to enhanced single-photon ionisation rates.